Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Things I find helpful during a flare up

During a flare up, I get the most awful cramps and I really try to avoid taking pain relief if I can.

One of the best things I can do to help ease the pain is have a hot bath, I usually put Magnesium Epsom salts in.
 It feels like every muscle in my body just relaxes.
 I usually order a big bag from Amazon as it’s recommended to put 2 cups in, so I can go through it quickly.
I also love to put a few drops of Fortifying Green Bath potion in, it smells amazing and reminds me of Christmas.
 When I get in my body gets this cool tingling sensation and I just feel so relaxed.

I also find myself attached to a hot water bottle 24/7 which means I have this weird mottled heat rash across my back.
I find a hot water bottle is better for targeting certain smaller areas.

I take Spatone Liquid Iron sachets in apple flavour and again I just order them from Amazon. If I take one daily I do notice my cramps are not as bad. Iron is proven to help fatigue, cramping, bloating and mood swings.


Chocolate, who doesn’t love it.
 I crave a lot of chocolate when I’m having a hormonal flux. So, if I nibble on some dark chocolate at least 70% cocoa, I find myself more relaxed and my mood boosted. Due to when we eat chocolate our bodies send off little signals telling us to release certain chemicals. Some of those being endorphins our bodies own natural pain killers, serotonin which boosts our mood and dopamine which gives us the sense of well-being.

Please feel free to message me with any questions you might have.


  1. This was really interesting to read. I have my own share of gyno issues currently undiagnosed but endo runs in my family so it's on the maybe list. Sadly hot water bottles make me feel sick but the liquid iron sounds interesting. I might give them a go, the flavour sounds quite nice too? x


    1. Hi Sophie oh no that's a shame hot water bottles make you feel sick, have you tried heat pads? The normal sachets have a sort of metallic after taste for me so the apple is just nicer.

  2. I do a lot of these to relieve my aches and pains too! Epsom salts are surprisingly fab aren't they? I have heard endometriosis can be really hard and horrible to deal with, sending you lots of love and wishes of pain relief and I'm always a message away if you need a friend lovely!
    Alice Xx

    1. Yes I love them, I use them in a footspa too. Thank you Alice it's lovely to find such friendly people. Hope your as pain free as possible at the moment.

  3. These are great tips! Hot water bottles and lots of chocolate always helps me but I’m pretty lucky and aren’t usually affected too badly- x

  4. I know its great, not that I need any other excuse to eat chocolate. Thank you Bexa :) xx
