Friday, 30 November 2018

Fertility and weight Progress

So in order to start fertility treatment I've had to loose weight to get my BMI down to meet the NHS criteria. I've really struggled to loose weight in the passed due to my hormones being all over the place.

So at the beginning of May I joined my local gym and decided I'd go at least twice a week. I really didn't think it would make an impact but after my first weigh in showing I was loosing weight it really pushed me to keep going. I also started going for walks round the local countryside with my husband who's also been on a health kick.

Although I had been loosing weight it was very slow and small amounts so I decide to change my diet. I'm a fussy eater, I don't eat salad and don't particularly like vegetables. I also love bread and sweets/fizzy drinks.
So I decided to cut down on my fizzy juice intake and decided to start a Keto diet. I was so surprised with how much it helped, I went from loosing 3lbs a month to 7lbs a month. I should say I wasn't doing super strict Keto at this point as I was just starting out. As Keto is mainly cutting down on carbs which was the majority of my diet.
I incorporated a sort of detox where I only had Organic Bone Broth for 3 days, it was so difficult but I felt so good for it. I also noted my weight before and after and in just a week alone I'd lost 7lbs.

When I'm looking to give my body a kickstart I do a Bone broth detox for either the 3 days or a week were I have a normal lunch which is usually meat and veg then bone broth for dinner. Keto is working so well for me and it doesn't stop me eating out.

I'm now under my doctors goal weight, so I've had some new scans done and bloods taken.
I already knew I had a low follicle count, unfortunately it's very low so my chances using IVF wont actually improve. We discussed with the doctor doing a natural cycle where by I track everything and when I'm ovulating I go in and have the insemination. It's easier on my body and we can start sooner, obviously if after a few tries it doesn't work. We will start medicated rounds and go for IVF.

We're looking to start our first round at the beginning of the New Year, I just have to have a few more blood tests to make sure after coming off the mini pill that I am ovulating again.
I am beyond anxious to start but so scared at the same time, It's a new kind of disappointment if we fail this way.
Just trying to keep positive and keep my mind off over thinking.

Just keeping everything crossed that even with only a few follicles we're successful.



  1. You've done so well my darling, I'm keeping all my fingers crossed for you my darling.

    Love, Amie ❤
    The Curvaceous Vegan

  2. Wow, well done you! It really does prove if you want something that bad you can definitely do it :) I wish you so much luck in your present and future and really hope no matter how it happens, you get your little bundle of joy!
    Alice Xx

  3. Oh wow what an exciting time for you, I hope everything goes well for you. Your dietary preferences sound exactly like mine haha!

    Soph - x

  4. Good luck with your journey! I hope everything goes well for you. I hope you had a great Christmas and wishing you a happy and healthy new year x

  5. Oh wow good luck with the IVF...I'm guessing you will be starting soon? I really hope it works out for you. xx
