Thursday, 19 April 2018

Gilbert Syndrome and Me

Gilbert's syndrome is actually where my health first went into decline. I was 14 years old when my Gilbert's first triggered. 
I completely lost my appetite I went from 12 stone to 7.5 I missed half a year of school. I felt sick anytime I ate so it was just easier to not eat because I felt better not eating than I did eating.
There are various symptoms but not everyone experiences the same ones.

I’ve experienced fatigue, loss of appetite, feeling sick, dizziness, brain fog and a general feeling of unwell.

People with the syndrome have a faulty gene which causes the liver to have problems removing bilirubin from the blood. The faulty gene means that bilirubin isn't passed into bile (a fluid produced by the liver to help with digestion) at the normal rate. Instead, it builds up in the bloodstream, giving the skin and white of the eyes a yellowish tinge.

My liver struggles to process the toxins which causes me to feel sluggish. I don’t drink often and that’s more of a personal choice. But if I do drink it takes me 2-3 days to recover and I’m hit hard by it. It doesn’t matter how much I’ve had to drink it will affect me and I can guarantee I will have a jaundice glow about me.

Everyone has a different trigger, for me it’s stress. As soon as I’m stressed I’m pretty useless. I’ll become overwhelmed by fatigue and I just need to sleep. 

If you have any questions please feel free to message me.


  1. Wow, this doesn't sound good at all! Has it got easier to deal with over time?

    1. Hi Kate yes and thankfully I don't experience it to the same extent anymore.

  2. Oh wow this sounds awful, so sorry you have to go through this! How did you get past the appetite symptoms? That's a really dramatic weight loss, especially when you were so young. Does it get easier to manage over time? x


    1. Hi Sophie, I just had to push through and eat small amounts until I got used to it again. It's gotten easier to manage and luckily I don't experience it as badly now. x

  3. This sounds dreadful, i'm so sorry to hear you had to go through this. Has it got easier to manage?

    Rachael -

  4. Oh I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this, it does not sound easy at all. I'm hoping that it's gotten easier for you, dealing with all those symptoms are hard.

    Jordanne ||
